


Documentation and examples for showing pagination to indicate a series of related content exists across multiple pages.

Pagination: Basic Example #1.01

Default example

Pagination: Disabled State #1.02

Disabled example

Pagination: Active State #1.03

Active example


Paginations with Icons

Looking to use an icon or symbol in place of text for some pagination links? Be sure to provide proper screen reader support with aria attributes and the .sr-only utility.

Pagination: Icons #2.01

Icons example

Pagination: Icons #2.02

Icons example

Pagination: Icons #2.03

Icons example

Pagination: Icons #2.04

Icons example

Pagination: Icons #2.04

Icons example

Pagination: Icons #2.04

Icons example


Paginations Sizes

Fancy larger or smaller pagination? Add .pagination-lg or .pagination-sm for additional sizes.

Pagination: Large #3.01

Large example

Pagination: Default #3.02

Default example

Pagination: Small #3.02

Small example

Nav Color
Nav Style