Progress Bars


Progress Bars Colors

Use background utility classes to change the appearance of individual progress bars.

Progress Bars: Primary #1.01

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-primary to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Success #1.02

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-success to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Info #1.03

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-info to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Warning #1.04

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-warning to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Danger #1.05

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-danger to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Dark #1.06

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-dark to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Secondary #1.07

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-secondary to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Custom Color #1.08

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-yellow to the base .progress-bar class.

Progress Bars: Social Color #1.09

Default progress styling. To use, add .bg-facebook to the base .progress-bar class.


Progress Bars Heights

We only set a height value on the .progress, so if you change that value the inner .progress-bar will automatically resize accordingly.

Progress Bars: Default #2.01

Default progress styling.

Progress Bars: 5px #2.02

Custom progress styling. To use, add style="height: 5px;" to the base .progress class.

Progress Bars: 3px #2.03

Custom progress styling. To use, add style="height: 3px;" to the base .progress class.

Progress Bars: 1px #2.04

Custom progress styling. To use, add style="height: 1px;" to the base .progress class.

Progress Bars: 4px #2.05

Custom progress styling. To use, add style="height: 4px;" to the base .progress class.

Progress Bars: 2px #2.06

Custom progress styling. To use, add style="height: 2px;" to the base .progress class.


Progress Bars Options

Options for Progress Bars with: Labels, Icons, Multiple Bars, Striped etc.

Progress Bars: Label #3.01

Add labels to your progress bars by placing text within the .progress-bar.

Progress Bars: Label Icon #3.02

Add labels to your progress bars by placing text within the .progress-bar.

Progress Bars: Multiple Bars #3.03

Include multiple progress bars in a progress component if you need.

Progress Bars: Striped #3.04

Add .progress-bar-striped to any .progress-bar to apply a stripe via CSS gradient over the progress bar’s background color.

Progress Bars: Animated Striped #3.05

The striped gradient can also be animated. Add .progress-bar-animated to .progress-bar to animate the stripes right to left via CSS3 animations.

Progress Bars: Square Rounds #3.06

Custom progress styling. To use, add .r-0 to the base .progress class.

Progress Bars: Full Rounds #3.07

Custom progress styling. To use, add .r-30 to the base .progress class.


Progress Bars Options

The most-used UI compositions in applications.

Progress Bars: Details Below #4.01

Custom example composition with CSS Flex.

Your Computer:
Progress Bars: Details Above #4.02

Custom example composition with CSS Flex.

Your Disk:
4125 Gb
Progress Bars: Details Inline #4.03

Custom example composition with CSS Flex.

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